There are times during the week where I would just break down. Not knowing what there is left to do, id sit down by the pond in a park like I am now and just watch the water glistening and flowing. When you’ve thought all there is to think and you’ve spoken all there is to speak sometimes the best u can do is just sit and listen and feel And just let it out. It’s okay to feel like this. It’s okay to not want to speak to anyone for a month straight It’s okay to feel as if you aren’t doing enough. Because to suppress such thoughts would be ignoring your instinct. And nothing is as suffocating as that feels Times like these help me to reset. To start from square one. To reconsider what it is that you value after thinking about having nothing And most times it may feel like you are never enough or that you have to be riding this train called time , constantly being pushed to the next thing But you don’t. Because to not feel life ...